Some of the Best Things I Have Written I Shared Earlier

I don’t have it in me yet to make this the kind of place with new content on a consistent enough basis. So for now this blog just doesn’t work that way. I’m generally too preoccupied with information “arbitrage”, shuttling links back and forth across the hive mind, to set myself the task of summarizing my understandings in a readable form. Although I am more than willing to take questions.

Almost all my content is dense and resource rich. I haven’t specialized in creating content, I’ve specialized in tying content together in discrete bundles.

These are some of my longer, resource dense, and/or most popular entries (in order of popularity):


On “Consciousness: The Black Hole of Neuroscience” aka the “hard” problem

Why Are We Here?

Things That Make Me Angry (and make other Occupy Wall Street supporters angry too) [Expanded]

Someone shared the documentary, “The Trouble With Atheism” with me and this is what I commented

Revolutionary Philosophy is Revolution

A Philosophical Orientation Toward Solving Our Collective Problems As a Species

“How ‘God’ can make sense” says atheist

things to pay attention to

Technology: Necessary but Insufficient for Human Survival

Everything you need to know about how and why Occupy Wall Street began

Thinkahol’s response to, “Solving the Hard Problem of Consciousness – In Under 10 Minutes”

“This video offers a solution to the Hard Problem of Consciousness. 
It contends that there are 2 epistemological hurdles that have historically prevented man from solving this mystery… and these epistemological hurdles are a consequence of evolution. 

(This is a condensed version of my 5 part series on “Solving the Mystery of Dualism”.)”



I like where he ends up, but don’t use the same steps.

I think the combination of two lectures below paint a more accurate picture. I don’t think we are EM [electromagnetism] either. Electromagnetic fields can obviously exist without self-awareness. The point of interest has to be how matter and energy are arranged to represent an information processing system that can represent itself. It’s the properties and organization of information processing itself that create the possibility of representation, and this software is, in principle, capable of operating on any “physical” platform of sufficient resolution and complexity to support the requirements of said software system.

Thomas Metzinger on “Being No One”

“Jeff Hawkins on Artificial Intelligence” 

Being alive is being software on a replication machine “designed” through natural selection to compete with other replication machines. “Feeling” what it is to be alive is for information processing to begin biting its own tail, i.e. representing the representational process itself. “Knowing” what it is to be alive is to become of aware of the recursive process as nominally independent of the larger field of reality. “Awakening” fundamentally recognizes the illusory nature of one’s projection of reality including the projected boundary line delineating “the self” or “ego.”

There is no world to a process that doesn’t represent one. Stage one is representing (is). Stage two is representing representing (something is). Stage three is representing representing representing (I am something). Stage four is representing representing representing representing (I am that I am / All is).






[edited to suggest voting for Neil deGrasse Tyson instead of the author]

By thinkahol

[Rational discussion is premised on facts like these (please acquaint yourself]:

George Carlin ~ The American Dream

That said,

Why is there not an open source campaign being run for every public office? Why isn’t anyone running on a platform of free energy[i] and free internet[ii]? Haven’t people seen enough TED talks[iii]? We, as a species, have so many good ideas (and criticisms). Do we really have so little confidence in each other that we don’t trust each other enough to upvote the problems we care about most and the solutions we like best? How is government by elected representatives working out for you? Do you really feel like your voice is being heard? Remember this and this:

Why should one of the most popular ideas on (and rightly so) be dismissed in a sentence? Why is it still up to someone else to make the rules of how we decide to make collective decisions? Why isn’t it up to us? As soon as enough of us decide it is up to us, it actually is up to us; that’s how society works. We’re running for office (or run yourself and do the same). Write in  Neil deGrasse Tyson everywhere. Let him be a Trojan horse of direct democracy. Take back your power. Start having a say in the laws that bind us. If you don’t have any power over decisions that affect your life you’re not free. Let’s become a free people again.

Everyone agrees corporations, banks and Feds have too much power. Congressional approval is hovering at historic lows and increasingly authoritarian laws are getting passed alarmingly quickly. This short list of grievances from a few months ago is already outdated[iv]. The U.S. government has said that it can kill you if it calls you a terrorist; it can lock you up without giving you a chance to prove your innocence. Let’s face facts people, America is no longer a free country[v]. Can you think of any definition of a police state that the U.S. doesn’t fit? What does consent of the governed even mean with our Top Secret Government? “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.” Even The Economist at the heart of establishment journalism says, “Never in the civilised world have so many been locked up for so little.” Never ending war is the status quo[vi]. To how many countries do questions like, “Is the nation fighting in too many places?” even make sense?
Not to mention global warming will continue and may soon become irreversible and “every living system in the biosphere is in decline and the rate of decline is accelerating. There isn’t one peer-reviewed scientific article that’s been published in the last 20 years that contradicts that statement. Living systems are coral reefs. They’re our climatic stability, forest cover, the oceans themselves, aquifers, water, the conditions of the soil, biodiversity. They go on and on as they get more specific. But the fact is, there isn’t one living system that is stable or is improving. And those living systems provide the basis for all life.[vii]” Did I mention the eventual inevitability of an asteroid strike that we’re not prepared for.

All this while technological development is accelerating exponentially and we’re capable of doing more with less than ever before in historyEven solar power is following Moore’s Law now.

In 2010, 93% of all income growth in the United States went to the top 1%. It would be hard for a rising tide to lift fewer boats. You really don’t think we could figure out a healthier way to organize society if we put our minds to it? We can do this if we stop letting Big Business and Big Government stand in our way and forge our own future together, honestly and transparently.

“There comes a time when silence becomes betrayal.” – Martin Luther King Jr.


“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” –  Victor Hugo

[i] “Energy with no or negligible feedstock cost, including solar power, telluric power, water power, and wind power[; or] more exotic free energy mechanism including cold fusion, magnet motors, gravity motors, and electromagnetic overunity.”

And haven’t you seen these yet? Dan Nocera: Personalized Energy,

Justin Hall-Tipping: Freeing energy from the grid

[v] “The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government—a state of affairs that more typically describes emerging markets, and is at the center of many emerging-market crises. If the IMF’s staff could speak freely about the U.S., it would tell us what it tells all countries in this situation: recovery will fail unless we break the financial oligarchy that is blocking essential reform. And if we are to prevent a true depression, we’re running out of time.”

“Of all the topics on which I’ve focused, I’ve likely written most about America’s two-tiered justice system — the way in which political and financial elites now enjoy virtually full-scale legal immunity for even the most egregious lawbreaking, while ordinary Americans, especially the poor and racial and ethnic minorities, are subjected to exactly the opposite treatment: the world’s largest prison state and most merciless justice system.”